Last time, I have introduce android with Introduction to Android .Now we are getting started and ready to start our first interaction with android.
1. Java JRE
2. Eclipse SDK
3. Android SDK
Or Android Studio with a compatible version of JAVA SDK
Install and configure above software and launch Eclipse Android SDK
Create Project with Eclipse:
1. Go to Files -> New -> Project
2. In the window that appears (Select a Wizard ), open the Android Folder,
select AndroidApplication Project and click Next
3. Fill in the form that appears Application Name, Project Name and Package
Name and Click Next.
4. On the next Screen to configure the Project, leave the Default selection and
Click Next.
5. The Next screen can help us to create launcher Icon for our App and Click Next.
6. Now we can select an Activity Template from which we can begin building
our App. From this Project select Blank Activity and click Next.
7. Leave all details for the activity in their default state and click Finish
To run our Project we need either an Android Device or a Virtual Emulator -
Android Virtual Device (AVD)
Create and Run an Emulator (Android Virtual Device)
1. Go to Windows -> Android Virtual Device Manager and Launch the virtual
Device Manager
2. In the Android Virtual Device Manager panel, click New.
3. Fill in the details for the AVD. Give it a Name, a platform Target an SD card
size, and a skin (HVGA is default).
5. Select the new AVD from the Android Virtual Device Manager and click Start.
6. After the Emulator boots up, unlock the Emulator Screen.
7. Click create AVD
Running the application:
Click on the Run Button or Go to the Project Directory in Project Directory and run MainActivity .java
Just wait for a while and it will start an Android Emulator having message on the mobile screen “Hello Word!”
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